Women’s Monday Night In-House Spring Paddle League
April 7 @ 6:00 pm - June 16 @ 9:00 pm CDT
$50.00This session will run every Monday night from April 7th through June 16th (no paddle on Memorial Day 5/26). Join us!
Sign up by midnight Friday April 5 either on the CourtReserve app or on the member portal at Hinsdalepaddle.com using the instructions below. This will register you for the entire season, but you must sign up to play on a weekly basis. Weekly registration opens Tuesday mornings at 6 a.m. and closes Saturday nights at 11:59 p.m.
Play will take place on Monday nights at KLM and Burns. You will be able to choose from two time slots each week: 6-7:30 p.m. or 7:30-9 p.m. (We may adjust the time depending on how many signups we get.)
Cost per paddle member is $50. Bring your own drinks and snacks; Hinsdale Paddle will provide the balls.
You must be a member to play in the league. If your membership has expired, you will need to renew your membership before registration. If your membership has been inactive for an extended amount of time (greater than 9 months) and shows an unexpectedly large amount due to restart membership, please contact Mark Schaub at mark.schaub@comcast.net to correct the issue.
If the league is full, please sign up for the waitlist; you will be notified if more spaces become available.
The Monday night coordinators are:
> Lex Silberberg – 781-424-9433 lexsilberberg@gmail.com
> Brittany Tisza – 630-207-8671 brittany.tisza@gmail.com
To Register:
From CourtReserve app: Go to Events -> League Signup -> Women’s Spring 2025 Monday Night League Registration
From the member portal at www.hinsdalepaddle.com: Go to Events -> List -> Women’s Spring 2025 Monday Night League Registration